Two brothers jailed 50 years for robbing Uber driver

(Credit: GhanaWeb)

An Adentan Circuit Court convicted two people to 25 years in jail each for robbing an Uber driver of his electronic mobile phone and GHC600 in cash after taking out a gun and cutlass on him.

After being sentenced, the two thieves sobbed excessively. The thieves are also reported to have forced the complainant, Emmanuel Kwame Krakani, to transfer GHS 700.00 from an MTN Momo wallet to an AirtelTigo Cash wallet while holding him at gunpoint.

Gordon Dogbatse, a 22-year-old temporary worker, and Isaac Dogbetse, a 23-year-old jobless, are the thieves. Gordon and Isaac pled guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit robbery and robbery. Gordon pleaded with the Court to pardon him and promised not to do it again.

“If I do it again, the Court should murder or cain me,” Gordon says. Isaac, a father of one,  prayed for mercy, saying he did not know Gordon compelled the complainant to transfer money from his (Gordon’s) wallet.

The Court presided over by Mrs Sedinam Awo Balokah convicted them on their own plea. According to the Court, it took into consideration their quick admission of guilt, and the fact that the convicts had no previous convictions. However, the Court said, it further considered the alarming rate of robbery cases within the area and sentenced them to serve as deterrent to others.     

Prosecution led by (Police) Superintendent Patience Mario narrated that the complainant is a trader residing at Madina. In the month of February this year, the complainant was in charge of his Chevrolet Cruze Saloon car with registration number GE1046- 21 when accused boarded the car as passengers to Agbogba.          

Supt. Mario said on reaching a section of the road at Agbogba Yellow house, accused told the complainant to stop so they could alight and he did. Prosecution said in the process, accused pulled out a pistol and a Cutlass concealed on them and they robbed the complainant of cash of GHS600, his Tecno mobile phone valued at GHC 1,200.          

They further compelled the complainant to transfer money from his MTN Momo wallet to their Airtel Tigo Cash wallet and they fled. Prosecution said the complainant had been tracking the accused until December 8, this year, at about 2:00pm, the complainant through the assistance of others arrested Gordon who was escorted to the Agbogba Police Station.          

Prosecution said on December 9, this year, Gordon led the Police to trace Isaac from his hideout.