Three Teacher Unions call on government to pay their allowances


Three Teacher Unions within the Western and Western North Regions are calling on government to pay the four agreed allowances with immediate effect to enable members of the Unions have some socio-economic relief.

The members reported that the last two years had been tortuous for the Ghanaian Teacher, “with no ray of hope and relief from their employer.”

Mr Peter Obeng Nyamekye, the Western Regional Chairman of the GNAT, told the media that government had failed to implement negotiation agreement since 2019.

He said, “we were looking at 15 areas of allowances, but government agreed to pay only four: Deprived area allowance, Extra assessment allowance, Book/Data/online teaching allowance and the upward adjustment of the Continuous Professional Development allowance.

Mr Nyamekye said members had been in a very tight position with little or no economic and social peace and well-being …owing to government’s continued failure to implement or fulfill its promises.

The Union comprising: GNAT, NAGRAT, CCT-GH had therefore given the government the 13th of May this year to honour its promises or “leadership of the Union will be called to act immediately”.