Security man jailed 15 years over sex with minor


 A 33-year-old security man, who defiled an eight-year-old girl on five occasions in his room at Laterbiokoshie has been sentenced to 15 years imprisonment by an Accra Circuit Court.

Samuel Clottey a.k.a Barton, charged with defilement, pleaded guilty.

In his plea for mitigation, Samuel who was without legal representation, refuted prosecutions assertion that he had sex with the victim on five occasions.

According to Clottey, he had sex with the victim on three occasions and prayed the court to grant him the opportunity to settle the matter out of court.

The court presided over by Mrs Priscilla Dapaah Mireku convicted Clottey on his own plea and sentenced him to 15 years.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector Kofi Atimbire, said the complainant is a Police Officer in Accra.

Chief Inspector Atimbire said, the complainant reside at Laterboikoshie with his eight year old daughter who is the victim in the case.

Prosecution said Clottey reside in the same vicinity with the complainant and the victim and that the victim and her peers also play within the neighbourhood.

It said on July 7, this year, the victim was frying pancake when Clottey informed her that he wanted to buy some and that she should bring it to his house.

Prosecution said the victim obliged and together with a colleague sent the pancake to the convict.

It said on reaching the house, Clottey asked the victim’s colleague to wait outside and he lured the victim into his room and had sex with her.

The prosecution said after the sexual act, Clottey gave the victim GHC3.00.

On July 19, this year, prosecution said the victim informed her grandmother that Clottey has had sex with her on five occasions.

It said the grandmother informed the victim’s parents and on July 27, this year, a report was made to the police and Clottey was arrested.

In his caution statement, Clottey said he had sex with the victim on three occasions and not five times, as stated.