Players push for passage of Construction Industry Development Authority Bill


The Ghana Chamber of Construction Industry is pushing for the swift passage of the Construction Industry Development Authority, (CIDA) Bill.

The Bill, when passed, will make the professionals in the industry accountable and thereby get rid of sub-standard persons posing as contractors.

Government has been urged to pass the Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA) Bill to regulate activities in the construction industry since 2018.

The Construction Industry Development Authority among other things seeks to ensure that quality work is done by professionals.

CIDA will also monitor and evaluate the performance and efficiency of registered contractors.

Cherry Emmanuel Awusanya, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Chamber of Construction Industry, told Citi Business News there is the need for the Bill to be passed to bring sanity to the sector.

“The bill is at the consideration stage on the table of cabinet. We have been asked to present a concept paper so that CIDA can come in to see how best we can mobilise the industry, see how best we can build the capacity of industry players and see how best we can have an equipment and financial base to that effect. There is a garmort  of issues we want to regulate in the industry” he explained.

Surveyor, Emmanuel Martey, Chairman of the Ghana Chamber of Construction Industry, wants government to pass the bill latest by next year.

“Seeing that we are having a good collaboration with government, we are certain that next year we may see the law passed” he stated.