Over 5,000 people secure employment under Tarkwa community mining programme.


According to Mr. Kwadwo Safo, media and public relations manager, more over 5,000 residents of the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality and its surroundings have profited from the Tarkwa community mining programme.

2000 women, he claimed, made up the whole workforce and were employed as cleaners and caterers who made meals for the personnel.

When mine management went to the site to learn about the difficulties and successes since the Mine started operating last year, Mr. Safo informed the Ghana News Agency (GNA) of this.

The Tarkwa community Mine has been in operation for one year and seven months, and so far, the job has been quite good, he claimed. When you add our indirect personnel, who operate machinery at different locations, we have almost 5,000 direct employees.