Obedience to our leaders is obedience to God – Alhaji Khuzaima 


Alhaji Osman Khuzaima, the Executive Secretary of the Tijanniya Muslim Movement of Ghana (TMMG), has said that one of the important tenets of Islam is obedience to authority and the leaders in society. 

Alhaji Khuzaima, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on Islam and leadership, said it was compulsory to obey and respect leaders “as long as they do not command us to disobey Allah and his Prophet Mohammed.”

He underscored the importance of respecting and obeying those in positions of authority, asserting that it is not only a civic duty but also a religious obligation that reflects reverence for both earthly governance and divine will. 

He emphasised that submission to authority figures was not only a sign of reverence for earthly governance but also a demonstration of one’s faithfulness to God’s divine plan. 

He said that by following the directives of our leaders, we not only uphold societal order but also manifest our devotion to the divine will. 

According to the Islamic scholar, Prophet Mohammed admonished followers to consider it a duty to obey authorities, whether they like it or not, unless they want to command sinful disobedience. 

“Obedience to our leaders is not merely a civic duty but a sacred obligation bestowed upon us by the Almighty,” he added. 

Alhaji Khuzaima, who is also a member of the Greater Accra Peace Council, further clarified that obedience to leaders did not hinge on their fallibility or infallibility but rather on demonstrating obedience to those entrusted with authority. 

He quoted Quran chapter 4 verse 59 to support his call to obey leadership, saying, “The Quran states that, O you who have believed, obey Allāh and obey the Messenger and those in authority over you.

And if you disagree among yourselves over anything, then refer it back to Allah and the Messenger if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is better conduct and leads to the most excellent outcome.”