It’s unfortunate we remember gossips but not God’s word – Catholic Priest


The Reverend Father David Ocran, the Parish Priest of the Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Cape Coast, Sunday advised Christians to pay particular attention to the Gospel and not things that can lure them into sin.

“It’s unfortunate that we remember gossips but not God’s word. Let a friend at work or church tell us, you see that lady, she never irons her attire, we will keep that in mind and take a keen look at her anytime we come across her. But it is just too bad we cannot remember God’s commandments that way,” he said.

Rev. Fr Ocran said this on Sunday while delivering the homily at a Mass Celebration of the Church.

He said Christians could pay attention to things that would not bring any improvement in their relationship with God, instead of allocating quality time to God’s word and works.

Rev Fr. Ocran said Christians often engaged in activities that made them deaf to God’s words and incapable of doing His will such as the love for money, physical pleasure, and statuses.

He advised the public to mend their ways and allocate a special place in their hearts to the word of God as he prayed for God’s blessings over the land.

Rev. Fr. Ocran said Christians must bring their families, neighbours and friends together and help fill the hearts of those in distress with joy by supporting them emotionally and financially.

“Don’t allow the challenges of the world to draw you away from God. You have to be steadfast to see His glory,” he said.

The congregation prayed for God’s rain on their labour to yield good fruits, peace over families and the nation, healing for the sick, and support for the needy.