Israel should immediately overturn its decision to close Al Jazeera – JSI


The Journalists Sanctuary International (JSI) has expressed displeasure by the Israeli government’s extreme decision to close Al Jazeera’s local operations.

“This without a doubt sets a dangerous precedent in a world that has for the last couple of years been hostile towards journalists and media organisation across the world,” it stated,

It said; “Haven celebrated World Press Freedom Day just a couple of days ago Journalists Sanctuary International finds this decision by the Israeli government to be unfortunate.”

The JSI in a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency said according to sources, the Israeli government has also confiscated some equipment of the media outlet and blocking its website.

“This may not be the ultimate price Qatar’s Al Jazeera satellite news network would have to pay., given that several brave journalists from the news organization have been killed or maimed on the frontline while reporting about the excesses, heavy-handed and extrajudicial killings of Palestinians by the Israeli occupational forces.

The statement said the directive was believed to be the first time Israel has ever shuttered a foreign news outlet.

“If not reversed, this order will deny millions the opportunity to get informed about the Israeli-Hamas war given the fact that Al Jazeera has covered the conflict nonstop and has maintained 24-hour coverage in the Gaza Strip amid Israel’s attack.

“We understand Aljazeera went off Israel’s main cable and satellite providers hours after the order,” it stated.

The statement said; “However, we at Journalists Sanctuary International call on the Israeli government to as a matter of urgency and in upholding the principles of rule of law and democracy, to overturn this dangerous precedent and give unfettered access to Aljazeera and all other news organizations to report without fear.

“We are encouraged by Al Jazeera’s readiness to ‘pursue all available legal channels through international legal institutions in its quest to protect both its rights and journalists, as well as the public’s right to information.’”

The news organization has our support in that regard.