City Guards are to enforce Assembly’s road safety bye-laws


    Mr Joseph Kwesi Gbeze, Presiding Member for the Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly (KKMA) says the Assemblies’ City Guards work in tandem with the Motor Transport and Traffic (MTTD) to enforce road regulations in their localities.

    Mr Gbeze speaking at the Ghana News Agency and Tema MTTD Road Safety Campaign platform said the City Guards were often deployed by the Assembly on road traffic assignments.

    Mr Gbeze further noted that it was the duties of City Guards to ensure and aid school children, the elderly and other persons to safely cross roads in the Municipality.

    He added that as the law enforcers for the Assembly, it was the responsibility of the City Guards to ensure proper parking of vehicles on the roads to prevent any form of accidents.

    He however cautioned them against taking the power into their hands in meting out instant punishments to supposed offenders saying it was wrong for City Guards to ask passengers to disembark from a vehicle for them to arrest the driver for road or traffic offences.

    The GNA-Tema and MTTD Road Safety Campaign seeks to actively create consistent and systematic weekly awareness advocacy on the need for road users to be cautious on the road and contribute their quota to road safety to curb the increase in road carnages.

    Mr Francis Ameyibor, Tema Manager of the GNA said the campaign was aimed at using the power of the media to support and educate the public on the negative effect of road accidents on the economy and their personal lives.

    Mr Ameyibor said as part of the project, key stakeholders both individuals and institutions would be given the opportunity to send their road safety messages to their staff, congregants, followers and the public to create the needed awareness.