Chile approves same sex marriage

(credit: TheMordenGhana)

Chile has finally legalized weddings between persons of the same sex after the Chamber of Deputies adopted the law on Tuesday, after years of debate.

A total of 82 legislators voted in favor of same-sex marriage, with 20 voting against and two abstaining.
The Movement for Integration and Homosexual Liberation (MOVILH) has organized a victory party in Santiago, Chile’s capital.

In Chile, homosexuals could only get into a registered civil relationship until today.

Same-sex weddings are already legal in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Uruguay, and parts of Mexico throughout Latin America.

The ultra-right presidential candidate Jose Antonio Kast is a staunch opponent of same-sex marriage.

The son of German immigrants and father of nine children, is running against left-wing former student leader Gabriel Boric, in the run-off election on December 19.