Alleged 52-year-old child of JJ Rawlings causes scene at funeral


The acclaimed first daughter of the late former President Jerry John Rawlings, Abigail Rawlings, has made a great scene during the funeral proceedings and has been captured on camera.

In the footage that was made public in a live Facebook video by Pulse Ghana, the 52-year-old lady was seen shouting and seemingly making certain demands.

Her hostile composure led to a number of officials from the Ghana Armed Forces rushing to restrain her before she got out of hand. 

Watch the video below (Credit: Pulse Ghana)

Although it was not audible what the middle-aged lady was making the scene over, it appeared as though she wanted some exclusive access that was denied her. 

As an acclaimed daughter of the late president Rawlings, it is thinkable how any form of denial could cause her to easily get agitated. 

Alleged 1st daughter of JJ Rawlings causes scene at funeral; soldiers restrain her in video

The 52-year-old woman who claims to be called Abigail Rawlings said that she is the daughter of the late former president of Ghana Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings. 

In a video sighted on YouTube, the mature woman spoke passionately about her being the child of the late former president of Ghana. 

According to the woman, her mother was a Togolese national who has passed away but before her death, told her daughter that Rawlings was her father. 

Madam Abigail Rawlings added that many of former President Rawlings’s maternal relatives in their hometown know her and have accepted her into the family.