Eight communities reap from Productive Inclusion project in Kadjebi.


GNA-The Safety Net Two Project, also known as the Productive Inclusion (PI) Project, benefits eight communities in the Kadjebi District.

They are Menuso, Okanta, Ketepii, Ahamansu, Titiaka, Pose-Cement, and Dodi-Mempeasem, among others.

The Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) and the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection (MGCSP) are working together to execute PI, a pro-poor social intervention supported by the World Bank.

It is a part of the GPSNP 2 (Ghana Productive Safety Net Project 2), which aims to improve social safety nets that increase the earnings and productivity of the nation’s poor.

At a community awareness session on PI, Mr. Isaac Robson Klu, the Kadjebi District Director of the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, revealed these.